
To use the Correlations package, it is first necessary to instantiate the SCI.Correlations package with a Float_Type used for the internal computation. This floating point type must have enough digits and allow enough value ranges for proper statistics calculations.

 package Double_Correlations is new SCI.Correlations (Double);


The SCI.Correlations.Pearson package provides operations to compute the Pearson correlation. The package must be instantiated with a Value_Type and it then provides several generic functions that must be instantiated to better fit the data model layout. For example:

 type MyFloat is new Float range 0.0 .. 1_000.0;
 package MyFloat_Pearson is
    new Double_Correlations.Pearson (Value_Type => MyFloat);

Several generic function are provided and are ready to be instantiated

  • the Correlation generic function computes the correlation against two arrays of Value_Type.
  • the Matrix_Correlation generic function uses a two dimension array and computes the correlation between two columns on a row subset.
  • the Model_Correlation generic function provides the most versatile data model and it is necessary to provide a Get function that retrieves one value at a time.